Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Power of Words

New Year's resolutions have been somewhat replaced by New Year affirmations. I tend to like affirmations better, because I've realized that words have power. There is something about speaking positive things over yourself, your business, your ventures, your family and your network.

I remember when I was in school, they used to say: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. And for a long time, I believed that. But the older I got, and the more experiences I encountered in life, I found that saying not to be so true after all. Words have a power that is like no other.

I know you're probably wondering what does this have to do with event planning. Well, as you plan your calendar year of great programs, initiatives, and events, set the tone from number one by declaring a positive outcome. And know this, positive outcomes are not always measured in great attendance, large amounts of money, or world-wide recognition. The positive outcome is what you learned from the event experience as a planner and how it will prepare you for the next one. Each experience is a stepping stone that matures you in your niche, and matures your relationship with your target audience.

Affirmations motivate you and can put things into perspective for you. As an event consultant, that is one of my gifts that I offer my clients. When they've had enough and feel they can do no more, it is my responsibility to provide them encouraging words and motivation to see it all to the end. Words are so powerful, and can change the atmosphere from chaotic to order. Seek to find your power in the words you speak.

I'd like to challenge you to start this year off with speaking positively. Find an affirmation word that will describe your year and describe your motivation as you plan, prepare, and promote great events and programs for 2016. My affirmation word this year is: PRESS. And I chose this word, because this will the second year that I will have been in business for myself, and I realize that the closer I get to my "prize," the more tests and lessons I'm going to encounter and learn. So, I'm speaking over my business now that I'm going to press on regardless of what comes ahead, and I'm going to press through for my clients when they feel like they're ready to throw in the towel and give up. What about you? What words are important to you and your success for 2016?

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